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Thursday, May 18, 2006


I've completed my first Project Spectrum card and it is winging its way to Malaysia. Hope it gets there. Since green is my favorite color group, this was fun. I have many, many green things in my home, from a sizable collection of McCoy pottery to a hefty portion of my yarn stash. When I was putting the card in the mailbox, I noticed this:

I love leaves. I find the colors and shapes incredibly inspiring. (Sadly, my 7th grade leaf collecting project did not reflect this. Sorry, Mr. Weinstein.)

My Socks that Rock arrived today. Exciting. Even though I don't often wear socks (which makes me an oddity in often-frigid Chicago), I look forward to the knitting challenge of making a pair (or 6 since that's how many skeins of StR that I bought!)

I've been home sick for a few days. I stayed home mostly to keep my co-worker from having to listen to me cough, clear my throat, and blow my nose incessantly. From the neck up, I felt awful. The rest of me felt pretty okay. So, I made some use of the time doing a little stash arranging. Whew. I'm not sure how I ultimately want to deal with it. (In my head, I see a wall lined with barrister's bookcases full of yarn so it can be seen. That's a somewhat expensive solution, but aesthetically very pleasing. Plastic tubs=way cheaper but not very pretty.) Right now, the stash lives downstairs because these guys... upstairs. Our house was/is a two-flat, so several doors separate them from the yarn. Given that they love yarn as much as I do--albeit for different reasons--the separation is a good idea. (That's Pitch in the back and Papel in the front.)

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